Castlevania – Konami sta pensando ad un titolo per Switch dopo il successo di Super Bomberman R

Super Bomberman R ha segnato il debutto ufficiale di Konami su Nintendo Switch facendo registrare anche ottimi dati di vendita con ben 500.000 copie distribuite fino alla fine di aprile.

Konami, durante un’intervista con Miketendo64, ha parlato del futuro supporto alla nuova console di casa Nintendo affermando che, per esempio, un nuovo Castlevania potrebbe avere lo stesso responso del gioco precedentemente citato.

“All I can say is that there is lots of internal discussions going on within Konami regarding what games we can bring to the Nintendo Switch, other than Bomberman, a game which we are well aware of its heritage and how loved it and Castlevania is. So much so that Castlevania is getting its own show on Netflix and because of that, we’re hearing a lot of desires from our fans for a new Castlevania series. So we do know there is a demand for a new game, but right now nothing is set in stone as the discussions are still on going.”

Konami, inoltre, ha affermato che continuerà a supportare Super Bomberman R con tante patch e contenuti che arriveranno nel corso dei mesi:

“While I can’t say how long far we will continue to support Super Bmberman R, I can say we do have plenty of other ideas in the works and have a few big updates on the way. For example, while I can’t announce anything for the version 1.5 update, suffice to say there will be more stages and other things. But although I can’t confirm there will be more costumes/characters, there may or may not be some more later on down the line. We’ll just have to see how it goes.”

Che Konami abbia involontariamente anticipato l’annuncio di un nuovo Castlevania?

Via: Nintendo Everything