Con Pokémon UltraSole e Pokémon UltraLuna i “Pokémon RPG” lasceranno Nintendo 3DS

Il prossimo 17 novembre ci sarà la fine di un’era per Nintendo 3DS. Stiamo parlando del rilascio di Pokémon UltraSolePokémon UltraLuna che, come rivelato da Shigeru Ohmori di Game Freak, questi giochi saranno gli ultimi Pokémon RPG su 3DS.

Come ben sappiamo durante lo scorso E3 di Los Angeles è stato annunciato ufficialmente Pokémon RPG per Nintendo Switch ma che, purtroppo, non è stato ancora mostrato ai nostri occhi ma che sicuramente nei primi mesi del prossimo anno ne sapremo di più:

Speaking to IGN, Game Freak director Shigeru Ohmori explained that the company has seen each of its 3DS games as the full extent of what could be achieved on the handheld console:

“When we were making Pokemon X and Y, we really were trying to push the 3DS system to its absolute limits – which is what we thought we’d done. But when Sun and Moon came around, we completely redesigned the system, and actually ended up pushing the 3DS even further to what we thought was the most we could draw out of it.”

However, that process of improvement seems to have come to an end, with the upshot being that Game Freak will move on after the new games’ release on November 17:

“With Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon,” explains Ohmori, “we’ve tried to eke that out more and really, really push the system to its absolute limits, and we’re now feeling that perhaps this is the maximum of what we can get out. So we’re really treating Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon as the culmination of our work with the 3DS system.”

Un capitolo della storia dei Pokémon, quindi, si sta andando a chiudere.

Vie: NeoGAF