Dynasty Warriors 9 – Disponibili nuove informazioni sul gioco e su Zhang He, Zhou Yu, Ma Dai e Sima Shi

Con il nuovo aggiornamento del sito ufficiale del gioco, Koei Tecmo ha svelato nuove informazioni per Dynasty Warriors 9 e in special modo dei personaggi Zhang He, Zhou Yu, Ma Dai e Sima Shi.

■ Characters

◆ Wei

Zhang He (voiced by Yoshiyuki Kono)

One of the outstanding warriors named as one of the Five Generals of Wei. With a fascinating sort of charm, this man maintains the air of a gentleman. He is proficient not only in the military arts, but also in literature and music.

◆ Wu

Zhou Yu (voiced by Takahiro Yoshimizu)

Brother-in-law to Sun Ce. His beauty of form earns him the nickname “the Handsome Zhou Yu.” An unparalleled commander, he leads his force to numerous victories. Along with his military skill, he is also talented in the literary arts and music. And underneath his beautiful form is a heart of turbulent passion.

◆ Shu

Ma Dai (voiced by Osamu Ryutani)

Ma Chao’s cousin. After his home is conquered by Cao Cao, he serves Shu with Ma Chao. Though wise in the ways of the world, he always acts in a cheerful manner. He earns the trust of Zhuge Liang and is given many vital responsibilities in the battles with Wei.

◆ Jin

Sima Shi (voiced by Ryotaro Okiayu)

The oldest son of Sima Yi. His refined appearance gives him a serious look. Extremely talented, much is expected of him by all around. However, his self-righteous personality frequently causes problems, making him both feared and respected by those who come in contact with him.

Dynasty Warriors 9, ricordiamo, è attualmente in fase di sviluppo e sarà disponibile su PCPlayStation 4Xbox One il prossimo anno senza, purtroppo, una data d’uscita ufficiale.