Genei Ibun Roku #FE – Nuovissime informazioni su Bloom Palace e gli elementi delle battaglie

I ragazzi di Famitsu hanno confezionato un nuovissimo articolo dedicato a Genei Ibun Roku #FE svelando non poche informazioni riguardanti questa esclusiva per Nintendo Wii U che ci darà la possibilità di assistere al cross-over tra Shin Megami Tensei e Fire Emblem.

– Bloom Palace is basically your home base in the game
– It’s run and managed by Chiki
– Chiki is the key visual character of a voice software
– This is where you strengthen your characters
– Can also talk to your Mirages as well
– This is an important place to them
– As your characters become better Mirage Masters, you gain the ability to use Radiant Unity
– You can then have your characters learn various abilities and skills that activate in battle
– In battle, your Mirages can transform into powerful weapons known as Carnage
– Carnage Unity is a system designed to create new Carnages
– Attack power is different for each weapon, but also element and the sorts of skills they learn
– The key to all of this is Performer power
– Performer is an energy that is gained largely through defeating enemies
– Depending on the enemy you fight, the kind of Performer that can be gained varies
– Mirages can undergo Class Changes
– The way this happens is largely the same as in FE
– You need Master Proofs
– Once you’ve gained these, you can perform class change
– Ex: Chrom going from Lord to Master Lord or Overlord
– Pegasus Knight can class change to Falcon Knight or Dragon Knight
– Social Knight can change to Paladin or Dark Knight
– Armor Knight can change to General or Berserker

Genei Ibun Roku #FE, o Shin Megami Tensei x Fire Emblem, sarà disponibile il prossimo anno in esclusiva per Nintendo Wii U.

Fonte: Nintendo Everything