Horizon: Zero Dawn – Diverse informazioni e una nuova immagine del gioco in work in progress

Durante l’edizione quest’anno della GDC, i ragazzi di Guerrilla Games hanno avuto modo di parlare di Horizon: Zero Dawn, il gioco in esclusiva per PlayStation 4 che sarà disponibile quest’anno. Inoltre, in fondo alla news potete trovare un artwork di questo titolo che ci presenta la fase di lavorazione di un’ambientazione di Horizon.

Ecco a voi tantissime informazioni su questo titolo:

  • Killzone: Shadow Fall included 14,000 art assets, almost all of which were outsourced to over 100 artists at several studios.
  • The reason why Guerrilla outsources so much is because their core business is making games, not assets.
  • Many that don’t know game development often think that outsourced assets are of lower quality. That’s not true. van der Gaag mentions that one of the pros of outsourcing assets is very high quality.
  • Outsourcing studios have very skilled artists when it comes to execution, but they won’t do visual design or art direction, this means that outsourcing requires careful preparation.
  • Preparation of briefs for outsourcing studios takes a lot of time and effort.
  • It also requires several concept artsts. Guerrilla’s concept team currently includes 17 concept artists of which 7 are permanent staff.
  • With the right preparation and attention even junior staff can make high quality briefs.
  • The outsourcing pipeline can take longer than some expect between the beginning and the finished assets:
    • Style Guide: 2 months.
    • Briefs: 1 month/batch.
    • Touchups: 1 week/batch.
    • Outsourcing: 2 months.
    • Integration: 1 or 2 weeks
    • Total: ~6 months
  • Creating comprehensive style guides is even more important with a new IP like Horizon: Zero Dawn, as it’s less understood within the studio.
  • Multiple disciplines are involved:
    • Concept design.
    • Narrative design.
    • Game design.
  • Lack of quality in the results is normally the fault of the original studio, not of the outsourcing studio.

Horizon: Zero Dawn, al momento, non ha ancora una data d’uscita ufficiale.

Fonte: DualShockers