Legrand Legacy: Tale of the Fabounds – Annunciata anche la data d’uscita su PC, PS4 e Xbox One

Dopo aver parlato della data d’uscita della versione Nintendo Switch, ecco che Another IndieSemisoft hanno rivelato le date d’uscita delle versioni PC, che sarà accessibile via Steam, che PlayStation 4Xbox One di Legrand Legacy.

Il gioco ispirato a Suikoden sarà disponibile dal 24 gennaio 2018 su PC mentre per quanto riguarda le versioni console, proprio come quella Switch, bisognerà attendere il Q1 2019.

In the war-torn land of Legrand, a slave named Finn will rise from humble roots to possibly becoming a savior. After Finn exhibits powers beyond his control in the gladiator arena, an old man buys his freedom. Together they journey to save the man’s daughter, which leads them to a prophecy and a greater quest: to save Legrand from the second coming of a conflict that nearly destroyed the world in times long past.

Despite the looming darkness, Legrand is a thriving realm depicted in an art style delicately balancing eastern and western oil paintings. As Finn explores the beautiful world of Legrand he will learn the backstories of allies, uncover side quests, go fishing, and engage in fencing competitions in addition to intense hack and slash battles.

Exploiting enemies’ weaknesses and unleashing powerful attacks is key for victory. Craft weapons and unlock new magic abilities as the enemies become fiercer. When the stakes are at their highest, take to the battlefield with an army and conquer foes in tactical warfare.

By recruiting citizens of Legrand to join his party, Finn can upgrade his headquarters, Dumville Castle. As his party expands, Finn gains the services of blacksmiths, shopkeepers, and others that aid his journey. Can Finn and his companions gather the strength they’ll need before the world falls to its impending doom?