Level-5 annuncia la lavorazione di alcuni titoli per Nintendo Switch

Nintendo Switch ha debuttato qualche mese fa in tutto il mondo e ci sono tantissimi sviluppatori che stanno svelando di lavorare sulla console. A questi si aggiunge anche Level-5, noto sviluppatore di giochi come Ni No Kuni, e il prossimo Ni No Kuni 2, la saga di Professor Layton e tanti altri.

Ecco quanto dichiarato dallo sviluppatore nipponico:

Nintendo Switch, which you can play as both a stationary system and as a portable game machine, was released in March.

Hino: “I think Switch is good. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is extremely fun. It’s almost dangerous. (Laughs.) Actually, playing with Switch myself, my impression [of the system] has changed a lot from when it was still in development. I was hesitant about its ‘play both inside and outside’ style, but I feel like there is a considerable potential there.

“Anyway, Zelda is a lot of fun, so I personally carry it around and play it as much as I can, even on airplanes. The model that Nintendo gave me is the one with the red- and blue-colored controllers, so when I carried it around a lot, the looks I got made me self-conscious. I bought the black controller that they released myself and attached it. (Laughs.)

“I think the Style of Switch is a wonderful fit for competitive games. You can play if you’re gathered in real life, as well as online. For example, I think the fact that the game lovers within a company can get together and play Mario Kart is really fascinating and interesting. And while I can’t say the content quite yet, we’re working on game(s)* that support [Switch].”

Via: Gematsu