Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom – Mostrato il nuovo personaggio ridisegnato

Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom è un titolo che porta sulle sue spalle un’eredità molto importante visto che è un vero e proprio reboot della saga Wonder Boy che vanta la collaborazione di Ryuichi Nishizawa.

Questo gioco, come annunciato direttamente da The Game Atelier, sta vedendo un completo rimodellamento dei personaggi e oggi abbiamo il piacere di mostrarvene un secondo, vale a dire la Rana:

Dear Monster Boy fans and friends,

are you ready for the next character reveal? We’ve been wandering around the internet and collected votes. Some of you wanted to see the lion, others the frog. Today we show you the frog!

With the frog, two of the new hand-drawn characters are now revealed

As you can see, the proportions of the frog are now different. With the new freedom of entirely hand-drawn animation we are not dependent on an overarching skeleton/puppet system anymore which means we can let him do really cool stunts. Swinging rings and using the tongue will now look much more dynamic. He’s also looking more like a frog than before which adds a lot to the visual variety while playing Monster Boy. We hope you like the new look!
Oh and big thanks for the overwhelmingly positive feedback on the new hand-drawn look of Jin. We hope to be able to convince everyone, even those who doubt our decision, that it was the right move. Please look forward to the next character reveal, which will be the lion!

Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom è attualmente atteso entro la fine di quest’anno su PCPlayStation 4Xbox OneNintendo Switch anche se, purtroppo, non ha ancora una data di rilascio ufficiale.

Fonte: FDG Entertainment