Monster Hunter XX Nintendo Switch Ver. – Nuovi dettagli per quanto riguarda i controlli

I controlli di Monster Hunter Nintendo Switch Ver. sono stati svelati di recente. La versione per Nintendo Switch della versione aggiornata del gioco noto da noi con il nome di Monster Hunter Generations, infatti, vanterà alcuni controlli speciali proprio per adattarsi al diverso sistema di controllo rispetto al Nintendo 3DS.

Target Camera

There is an icon in the upper right of the screen for the Target Camera. By pressing the ZL button, you can turn the Target Camera on or off. If you press the L button once while the Target Camera is on, the camera will turn to face towards the monster. You can also control the camera using the right analog stick.

Hunter Arts

There are gauges next to the item selection window at the bottom right of the screen that give you a better understanding of which Hunter Arts you are able to trigger. In the demo, three Hunter Arts were prepared and could be changed in the options. Hunter Art #1 was assigned to the Up button, Hunter Art #2 to the Right button, and Hunter Art #3 to the Down button. Because of this, it was necessary to release your fingers from the left analog stick in order to activate a Hunter Art while moving. While did not get to try it, there are other control types with key assignments that use multiple button combinations, which may be a better option for users who want to activate Hunter Arts while moving.


The Switch version supports controller vibration, but not HD Rumble. Vibration can be turned on or off in the options. The controller will vibrate at times such as when a monster roars, when a Hunter Art hits, and when Barufaruku lands his big move, giving various situations a higher sense of presence.

Ricordiamo che di recente Capcom ha annunciato che forse Monster Hunter XX (Double Cross) potrebbe non essere localizzato in Occidente per dare maggiore priorità alla realizzazione di Monster Hunter World, capitolo annunciato durante lo scorso E3 di Los Angeles.

Via: Nintendo Everything