Nintendo NX – Moon Studios parla della mancata comunicazione con la grande N

Attraverso le pagine del famoso forum NeoGAF, Thomas Mahler di Moon Studios, sviluppatore del famosissimo Ori and the Blind Forest, ha parlato della mancata comunicazione con Nintendo avuta negli ultimi tempi che ha impedito allo studio di ottenere, almeno per il momento, un dev-kit dedicato a NX, prossima console del colosso di Kyoto.

Ecco quanto riportato dallo sviluppatore:

This is actually THE singlest most annoying thing for every dev out there. We also talked to Nintendo and got absolutely nothing – I’ll never understand that. And just to be clear, it’s not just Nintendo, every hardware manufacturer is treating their devkits and their unreleased consoles like they’re the second coming and are insanely secretive about it to a stupid degree in todays time. It’s not even that the hardware isn’t finished (duh), but you could at least give me the goddamn specs, so we’d know what to build shit for!

What’s needed to sell hardware is goddamn good software. With Nintendo not having any devkits out there at this point and probably even wanting to sell it in 2016, I can already guarantee that they’ll just not have any software support, since nobody can just jumble games together in less than a year. I mean, you can, but it’ll be garbage.

The same is true for Engine Support – Get Unity and Epic to support these consoles WAAAAY ahead of release. By the time the console launches, it should be EASY for developers to develop games for these systems, things shouldn’t just only start at this point. I want the goddamn devkits or at least proper hardware specs ideally 2 years before release – Keep all the developers updated, start a forum where devs can chat and figure out all the problems everyone’s having, instead of everyone just having to deal with it. None of that’s happening anywhere and it’s just braindamaged.