Nintendo Switch – La nuova console della grande N viene mossa da NVIDIA Tegra

Nintendo ha annunciato ufficialmente Switch la sua prossima console che sarà disponibile a marzo 2017. Questa console è caratterizzata da essere un vero e proprio ibrido tra fissa e portatile composta da un tablet con controller staccabile ed eventualmente collegabile ad una dock che ci permetterà di inviare il segnale ad una TV.

Nintendo Switch viene mosso da NVIDIA Tegra come svelato dalla stessa compagnia in tinta verde:

The first thing to know about the new Nintendo Switch home gaming system: it’s really fun to play. With great graphics, loads of game titles and incredible performance, the Nintendo Switch will provide people with many hours of engaging and interactive gaming entertainment.

But creating a device so fun required some serious engineering. The development encompassed 500 man-years of effort across every facet of creating a new gaming platform: algorithms, computer architecture, system design, system software, APIs, game engines and peripherals. They all had to be rethought and redesigned for Nintendo to deliver the best experience for gamers, whether they’re in the living room or on the move.

A Console Architecture for the Living Room and Beyond

Nintendo Switch is powered by the performance of the custom Tegra processor. The high-efficiency scalable processor includes an NVIDIA GPU based on the same architecture as the world’s top-performing GeForce gaming graphics cards.

(Nintendo Switch è potenziata dalle performance del processore custom Tegra. Il processore ad alta efficienza di scalabilità include una GPU Nvidia basata sulla stessa architettura delle più performanti schede grafiche GeForce al mondo.)

The Nintendo Switch’s gaming experience is also supported by fully custom software, including a revamped physics engine, new libraries, advanced game tools and libraries. NVIDIA additionally created new gaming APIs to fully harness this performance. The newest API, NVN, was built specifically to bring lightweight, fast gaming to the masses.

Gameplay is further enhanced by hardware-accelerated video playback and custom software for audio effects and rendering.

We’ve optimized the full suite of hardware and software for gaming and mobile use cases. This includes custom operating system integration with the GPU to increase both performance and efficiency.

NVIDIA gaming technology is integrated into all aspects of the new Nintendo Switch home gaming system, which promises to deliver a great experience to gamers.

The Nintendo Switch will be available in March 2017. More information is available at