Pyre – Il team autore di Bastion e Transistor annuncia un nuovo RPG per il prossimo anno

I ragazzi di Supergiant Games, team che abbiamo già amato grazie al loro lavoro per BastionTransistor, annunciano ufficialmente Pyre. Questo è un nuovo RPG basato sul sistema party che sarà disponibile nel 2017.

“Pyre once again showcases our team’s commitment to rich atmospheric presentation and storytelling, along with a distinctive gameplay blend that combines expressive decision-making on the world map with fast, action-packed confrontations against rival groups of exiles whose own freedom is at stake. We want to create a large cast of characters you can grow close to as you travel together across a strange and wondrous land.

“The Story So Far: At the beginning of the game, your luck has almost run out when several masked wanderers find you and revive you from the brink. With your help, they seek to learn the truth about the Rites, a secretive competition through which the worthiest exiles can return home, absolved of their transgressions. As you journey across the Downside in the wanderers’ custom blackwagon, you’ll meet a variety of characters of all shapes and sizes, and learn what’s in store for each of them should they prevail in the Rites. Your actions will determine who returns to glory, and who remains in exile to the end of their days.”

Pyre sarà disponibile su PlayStation 4PC, tramite Steam. Inoltre, vi invitiamo a fare una capatina sul sito ufficiale del gioco.