Shovel Knight – Rilasciata la patch 2.01 su PC, in arrivo su Wii U e 3DS

Yacht Club Games ha rilasciato la patch 2.01 di Shovel Knight su Steam e Humble mentre le edizioni console, stando alle parole dello sviluppatore, saranno aggiornate successivamente.

Lo studio, ricordiamo, da poco ha messo in circolazione il primissimo DLC di questo gioco, ovvero Plague of Shadows che ci permetterà di vestire i panni di Plague Knight in una nuovissima avventura. Di seguito, infine, potete trovare il changelog completo dell’aggiornamento 2.01 di Shovel Knight:

Plague Knight Campaign

  • Black Knight now always spawns. Even if another wandering encounter was previously occupying his map node.
  • Old Shovel Knight profiles saved before clearing the Flying Machine are no longer stuck on that node.
  • Fixed minor text errors in various languages.
  • Treasure Knight’s anchor no longer travels through walls in certain edge cases.
  • Treasure Knight’s chest can no longer be broken by certain special attacks.
  • Clearing to the Explodatorium last (out of the 3 possible Tier 2 stages) no longer skips the Potionarium cutscene (and therefore it is no longer possible to miss the health upgrade).
  • Item completion totals should now add up to 100%.
  • Spending all Cipher Coins no longer removes Cipher Coin collection information from the Inventory’s Gear Tab.
  • Cipher Coin count is now accurate when checking inventory in the Plains of Passage.
  • Binding two separate attack buttons no longer allows Plague Knight to throw bombs while bomb charging.
  • Equipping the Ward Robe and using Berserker’s Brew Arcana no longer cause unintended knockback.
  • Using Vat Arcana on the same frame as falling through downward screen transition no longer causes Plague Knight to hang in place.
  • Title screen codes can now be activated with the menu’s arrow keys in addition to the bound in-game directions.
  • End credits characters all appear in front of the houses.
  • Dying while also defeating The Enchantress no longer causes a non-progression.
  • Fast cheat now doesn’t run you past Armory cutscene.
  • Cheating your way to clear the second Black Knight still results in Percy showing up at the Potionarium..
  • Always dancing cheat no longer breaks certain cutscenes.