Square Enix ha annunciato ufficialmente Antique Carnevale

Un gioco completamente nuovo è stato annunciato ufficialmente da Square EnixAntique Carnevale, questo è il nome del gioco, è stato mostrato con un primissimo trailer a cui sono state allegate delle informazioni su ciò che ci attende nella trama del titolo.


Have you thought about the differences between “things” and “living things”?

Or the differences between “dolls” and “people”?

If you ask, people will easily answer as such: dolls are “not able to move on their own,” right?

However, that is an invitation to the labyrinth.

Is a person unable to move by their own will not a “doll”?

Is a doll able to move by its own will not a “person”?

The explorers who wander around in search of an exit will find themselves deeply lost…

And then, one boy visits that labyrinth by himself…

He will listen. To the cries left behind by the “people” that have decayed in the labyrinth.

He will understand. The desires of the “dolls” captured in the labyrinth.

To that young man who stands in the space between people and dolls… I pray.

May the blessings of the people of origin be with him.

Bernhard (voiced by Natsuki Hanae)

The personification of the summons beast Wyvern. He regularly guards the town as the young commanding knight of the Valamion. He has a strong sense of justice, but hates rushing to conclusions, and is often censured by those around him. Under the orders of the president, he is currently searching for the strongest masters of the next generation.

Antique Carnevale al momento non ha nessuna piattaforma di destinazione che, con ogni probabilità, verrà annunciata nei prossimi giorni visto che dopo il trailer dedicato a Bernhard, successivamente ne verranno mostrati altri e precisamente il 7, 10, 12, 14 luglio. Ulteriori novità, invece, verranno rivelate il 18 luglio.