The Longest 5 Minutes rinviato al 2018, annunciata la versione Nintendo Switch

NIS America ha purtroppo annunciato che The Longest 5 Minutes, gioco sviluppato da Nippon Ichiè stato rinviato al 2018.

Per addolcire questa brutta notizia, però, il publisher ha rivelato che il gioco arriverà su Nintendo Switch confermando la volontà di supportare la console della grande N, anche dopo il rilascio del già disponibile Disgaea 5.

L’annuncio è stato effettuato durtante l’Anime Expo 2017 ed è stato rivelato anche che The Longest 5 Minutes sarà disponibile anche in versione Limited con una copia del gioco, due dischi della colonna sonora, un art-book, una collector’s box e alcune spille, tutto questo disponibile solo tramite il NIS America Online Store.


Originally developed by Nippon Ichi Software and Syupro-DX and releasing today for the PS Vita in Japan, The Longest Five Minutes will take you inside the mind of a hero during his final encounter with an epic and evil Overlord. As the story unfolds, the conversations you have with your party and the Overlord will unlock memories of the hero’s journey. Each memory plays out in classic 8-bit RPG style, and the outcome of those memories affect your party in their final battle.


Our hero faces the origin of all evil, the Overlord himself, but suddenly loses all memories of his adventure.

His finishing moves, the name of his hometown, and even the reason he’s trying to defeat the Overlord in the first place, all gone. Our hero feels as though he’s letting his allies down…

In the midst of battle, his allies’ words and the Overlord’s taunting triggers flashbacks, bringing his memories back piece by piece. Our hero tries to regain his priceless memories before it’s too late, but the Overlord stands before him, his power unyielding!

What can happen in The Longest Five Minutes!?

Ricordiamo che The Longest 5 Minutes è atteso anche per PS VitaPC.