The Messenger classificato in Europa per PlayStation 4

Il PEGI, ente di classificazione europeo, ha classificato nelle ultime ore la versione PlayStation 4 di The Messenger.

Questo action/platform game in 2D è stato reso disponibile l’anno scorso su PCNintendo Switch venendo accolto molto positivamente da critica e pubblico. Gli sviluppatori attualmente sono impegnati anche nella realizzazione dell’espansione gratuita Picnic Panic per The Messenger che, quindi, al momento non ha ancora una data d’uscita ufficiale su PlayStation 4.


As a demon army besieges his village, a young ninja ventures through a cursed world, to deliver a scroll paramount to his clan’s survival. What begins as a classic action platformer soon unravels into an expansive time-traveling adventure full of thrills, surprises, and humor.

Key Features

Dynamic, acrobatic gameplay and ultra tight controls worthy of an epic ninja adventure.
Character upgrades, new abilities, hidden levels, and branching paths to discover.
Meticulously designed 8-bit and 16-bit sprites, animations, and backgrounds in the spirit of the classics.
A memorable cast of offbeat villains, bosses, and associates.
Original soundtrack by renowned chiptune composer Rainbowdragoneyes, handmade using Famitracker.