Watch_Dogs 2 – Comincia il valzer delle recensioni internazionali del gioco

Ubisoft si sta preparando a rilasciare il nuovo capitolo di Watch_Dogs. Il secondo capitolo della serie è stato analizzato dalle principali testate internazionali con un giorno d’anticipo rispetto la sua uscita fissata per domani, 15 novembre su Xbox OnePlayStation 4, mentre la release su PC di Watch_Dogs 2 è stata posticipata di alcune settimane.

Ricordiamo che il primo Watch_Dogs fu protagonista di un particolare aneddoto proprio sulle recensioni visto che le prime analisi del titolo targato Ubisoft furono molto positive salvo poi ritrovarsi tantissimi giocatori lamentarsi degli incredibili problemi e, soprattutto, di una qualità generale non all’altezza degli altissimi voti che stando a rumor abbastanza particolari sono stati condizionati da regali da parte del publisher.

Gamereactor: 9/10
The Verge – No Score

The first Watch Dogs used hacking as just another weapon. The sequel turns it into something much more important — and fun.

IGN – Review in Progress – Preliminary Score 6
Gamespot – Review in Progress

You can have a lot of fun playing Watch Dogs 2 offline, but multiplayer–when it works–shouldn’t be ignored. There are emergent PVP events that allow you to hack or hunt down other players, and special missions where you and a partner can infiltrate networks and private property together.
IBTimes: 4.5/5
Jim Sterling: 9/10
SegmentNext: 9/10
Press-Start: 9/10 (Review in Progress)

Watch Dogs 2 is the jump forward in the series that the game needed to succeed. Comparatively, it’s what Assassin’s Creed 2 was to the first Assassin’s Creed if not even better. Watch Dogs 2 is definitely one of the sleeper hits of the year. I was expecting to have fun with it, but I wasn’t expecting to become absolutely transfixed with the incredible style, characters and storyline. It’s a must-play game and for those that own a PlayStation 4 Pro, you should definitely pick it up just for the visual feast alone.
God is a Geek: 9/10
XboxAchievements: 85/100
Gadgets 360: 9/10
Pocket-Lint: 4/5