Agony si mostra con un nuovissimo trailer che mette in mostra la “Agony Mode”

Scusateci per il gioco di parole, ma Madmind Studios ha realmente realizzato la Agony Mode per il suo titolo che si chiama, per l’appunto, Agony e che sarà disponibile su PC, PlayStation 4 e Xbox One.

Questa modalità di Agony ci permetterà di testare la nostra abilità all’interno di camere create in maniera procedurale. Di seguito ecco alcune informazioni più approfondite:

The additional game mode will add procedurally generated chambers for the players to test their hellish surivival skills. In mysterious labyrinths made of human bones or frosted ice chambers players will face random quest and challenges. They might be tasked to collect ten figurines which are spread around the level. Despite the main story mode of the game the players can choose on the gender of their character and the game ends with the death of the players, calculating their score. To drive the challenge to a global level all scores will be displayed on a worldwide leader board.

When players achieve their given quest objectives and make their way to the mysterious “Red Chamber” – implemented in each procedural generated level they can add additional points to their score by generating additional chambers to test his skills or even go back replaying the given level as one of the notorious Succubus!

Agony sarà disponibile dal 29 maggio su PC, PlayStation 4 e Xbox One.