Astral Chain disponibile ufficialmente per Nintendo Switch, rilasciata la prima patch e un artwork del director!

Astral Chain è l’ultima fatica targata Platinum Games in esclusiva per Nintendo Switch che quest’oggi effettua il suo debutto ufficiale, nonostante sia da diversi giorni nelle mani di molti videogiocatori, sul mercato.

Prima di tutto dobbiamo avvisarvi che Platinum Games ha rilasciato la patch del day one di Astral Chain che punta a migliorare alcuni piccoli aspetti della sua produzione e il cui changelog, come da tradizione, potete trovarlo di seguito:

  • Functional Changes and Additions
    • Added Item Sort function to the menu.
    • Multiple goods can now be sold at once at shops.
    • The “Temporary Field Supply” item icon has been adjusted for visual clarity.
    • “Temporary Field Supply” items are those that can only be used during the “FILE” in play
    • When using items from the shortcut menu, “Temporary field supply” items of the same name will now automatically be prioritized and used instead.
    • Added a “Type” category to the ability codes Sort function.
    • Added a function to delete multiple ability codes at once.
  • General Changes
    • Adjusted game balance.
    • Fixed an issue where quitting the game during the training mode could cause lock ups.
    • Fixed an issue where specific steps would lead to the order “Ark Tourist” being impossible to complete.
    • Fixed an issue where opening the menu and returning to the title screen at a specific timing before an autosave would cause save data to be corrupted.
    • Additionally fixed several issues to allow for a more comfortable gameplay experience.

Takahisa Taura, ovvero il director del gioco, ha rilascato uno speciale artwork, insieme ad un lungo messaggio, per ringraziare tutti di aver atteso con ansia il lancio di Astral Chain:

Hi all!
This is the director of ASTRAL CHAIN, Takahisa Taura.

This is actually my second blog since the kickoff I did awhile back.
And why am I here today? You guessed it! Today, August 30th, is the day that ASTRAL CHAIN finally hits stores!

Taking a game all the way to release is a huge, combined effort, involving the development team and marketing, and many others. I’m thankful for all the help I’ve received, and for the outpouring of support I’ve received from you, the fans. Thanks so much!

To a developer, release day always means something special.
Combine that with the fact that this is my directorial debut, and that ASTRAL CHAIN is a game that takes so many challenges in gameplay and art style… and the fact that it’s a completely new IP from Nintendo…
I guess you could say I’m a little bit more than excited!!

I think after this blog I’ll do a quick few rounds of the local game stores, just to make sure this isn’t a dream. Sorry if you see me kinda suspiciously loitering around the game aisle.

Anyway. For everyone who’s taken interest in this strange new title, for anyone who’s already made a purchase, let me just take a moment to thank you from the bottom of my heart. I truly hope the title lives up to your expectations.

Please enjoy ASTRAL CHAIN and the one-of-a-kind experience it creates.

Thank you!