E3 2018 – Nintendo spiega l’assenza di Metroid Prime 4

Nintendo, purtroppo, non ha ottenuto dall’E3 2018 ciò che si aspettava dall’utenza. Le troppe assenza importanti hanno influito sulla qualità generale della sua presentazione.

Tra gli assenti illustri, ovviamente, c’è Metroid Prime 4 che sarebbe potuto essere uno dei due piatti forti dell’evento insieme a Super Smash Bros. UltimateNintendo nelle ultime ore ha svelato i motivi dietro l’assenza dell’esclusiva per Switch:

Is there anything you can say about Metroid Prime 4? Is there a reason it wasn’t at the show this year?

Trinen: It’s still in development.

Bihldorff: But yeah, we’re not featuring it at E3 this year.

Trinen: I think the main thing is, as people have probably realized by now – we show things when we think we’re ready to show them. And when we think we’re ready to show Metroid Prime, we’ll show Metroid Prime.

More than a logo?

Bill: [Laughs] Last year was the first year for Switch at E3, so we took a bit of a departure from our usual approach to E3, which is to focus on more near-term stuff. Last year, because it was the first year for the hardware, we looked at things that were maybe a little further out. This year, you can see pretty clearly, we’re back to focusing on the near-term. We’ll have more to share with Metroid Prime 4 when we have something we think is going to wow people.

Quindi non ci resta che attendere maggiori informazioni da Nintendo per Metroid Prime 4.

Via: Nintendo Everything