Moonlighter – Il DLC Between Dimensions disponibile settimana prossima su PC, più avanti su console

11 Bit Studios, sviluppatore del gioco, ha finalmente svelato la data di rilascio, almeno per quanto riguarda la versione PC, del DLC Between Dimensions di Moonlighter.

Questo interessante roguelike game, infatti, si aggiornerà con questo contenuto aggiuntivo il prossimo 23 luglio vantando nuovi boss, armi, ambientazioni e un ampliamento della trama.

Questo DLC di Moonlighter sarà disponibile su console (Nintendo Switch, PS4 e Xbox One) solo più avanti nel corso del 2019.


The wind of change is blowing through Rynoka. A new, cryptic Portal appeared out of nowhere. Does it bring a new threat? Or is it a new way to make an easy profit? And most importantly… are you prepared to enter the unknown?

Between Dimensions is the biggest Moonlighter expansion so far. The DLC enlarges the main experience by filling current dungeons with new creatures, populating all-new Interdimensional Dungeon with mini-bosses, swarming the adventure with new weapons, armory, shop items, and rings.

Key Features

  • A brand-new Interdimensional Dungeon (and a chance for it to appear as a Corrupted Dungeon in the original dungeons).
  • 10 original enemies and 5 mini-bosses.
  • Full set of weapons with a new short sword, big sword, bow, gloves, and spear.
  • Set of armor with a new helmet, chest, and boots.
  • Trick Weapons – 10 unique weapons – both powerful… and punishing!
  • New Rings – which are boosting Will’s passive abilities.
  • New Shop upgrade – allowing Will to showcase his new Interdimensional Items.
  • New Customers asking to trade and an unfamiliar NPC: The Trader.
  • Additional story and lore.