Nintendo Switch Online – L’app dedicata ai giochi del NES si aggiorna con due nuovi titoli

Come pre-annunciato direttamente da Nintendo oggi l’applicazione per i classici NES per Switch si è aggiornata ufficialmente con due nuovi giochi.

Infatti da oggi sono disponibili Super Mario Bros. 2, noto in Giappone come Super Mario Bros. USA, e Kirby’s Adventure mentre sono state introdotte due nuove edizioni di titoli già presenti ma in versioni SP:

Blaster Master

Start from area 8.

You’ll start from area 8, the final area, in this special version of Blaster Master. Moreover, SOPHIA is fully equipped and ready for action! The Hover Gauge and Power are full, and Homing Missiles, Thunder Break, and Multi Warhead Missiles are all maxed out – along with Jason’s own Gun Energy Gauge and Power! You’re ready to take on the Underworld Lord… So get to it!


The fully fortified bounty hunter!

You just got a great head start on your mission to defeat Mother Brain! In this version of Metroid, every power-up, including all Power Suit weapons and abilities, is available from the start. The ending of this game changes slightly depending on how fast it’s beaten, boasting a total of five endings. Here, you’re ready to rush right into the finale, where you can see the ending that features Samus without her trademark Power Suit.